Section Control and Task Doc have been available on Valtra models specified with the SmartTouch armrest and the Auto-Guide automated steering system since August 2018. Variable Rate Control will also become available in 2019.
Section Control enables the operator to automate the spray nozzles to open and close one section at a time. This is particularly useful when driving with a wide sprayer diagonally across a field that has already been sprayed, in which case the Section Control closes the nozzles where necessary to prevent any section from being sprayed twice.
Section Control
Task Doc provides a link between a cultivation plan that has been made on the farm’s computer to the tractor and vice versa. The data is exchanged either by Bluetooth or a GPRS connection with Task Doc Pro.
Task Doc can read cultivation plans made using most farm management software. It can also be used for EU reporting, as it automatically records all tractor tasks on the cultivation plan.
Task Doc
Variable Rate Control available in 2019
Variable Rate Control will be available on SmartTouch tractors next year. Variable Rate Control makes it possible to spread exactly the recommended amount of fertiliser, for example, across the field.Variable Rate Control
“The new features complement each other to a degree, for example Section Control requires Task Doc, and in practice each feature requires Auto-Guide. The new features can be uploaded to SmartTouch tractors remotely from our web portal,” says Johan Grotell, Technology Specialist at Valtra.
The popularity of Auto-Guide has increased noticeably in recent years. This year over half of all new Valtra tractors have been specified with the factory-fitted automated steering system or at least Auto-Guide readiness. By comparison, as recently as 2016 Auto-Guide was installed on just three percent and Auto-Guide readiness on a few tens of percent of new tractors.